L’Aia is part of the Educational farms of the Lombardy Region, of educational farms of the Ticino Park and Panda Farm since it meets the quality requirements by providing users with a guarantee of reliability and expertise.
The activities that we offer have different topics, which are adapted to the seasons of the year. The themes may vary depending on the season, the time and what nature offer us, making unique each activity.
Our activities are aimed at children and adults, groups or families, summer camps and Grest.
We are open all year round, and we offer tour half and full day.
Are available to participants pergolas, large green spaces and picnic areas, toilets and toilets for the disabled too.
In case of bad weather, the activities will take place indoor.
We disclose the following rules for activities:
• REQUIRED ON BOOKING: e-mail agriturismoaia@hotmail.it or phone: +39.02.94249090
• DURATION: morning and/or afternoon
• COST: from 5 € to 11 € depending on the duration of '
It is always recommended comfortable and appropriate wear.
Educational activities
List of activities
• THE DISCOVERY OF GRAIN (Spring): knowledge of the characteristics of the main cereals grown on the farm. Visit the wheat fields where they grow even poppies and cornflowers. Examples of milling for the production of flour. Preparation of aromatic cakes or biscuits multigrain.
• THE GOOD HERBS (Spring): in the garden of aromatic and medicinal plants, sensory recognition of the many herbs present. Collection and use of plants according to the tradition. Realization of scented potpourri.
• PLANTS AND THEIR COLOURS (Autumn): the natural colorants, discovered in ancient times in the East, were the only available until the middle of the '800. In the country where nature offers a wide variety of plants rich in pigments continued use and research. Extraction tests and preparation of dyes of certain fabrics.
• THE DISCOVERY DELL'ORTO (Autumn): knowledge and observation of plant foods. Visit the vegetable of the family to discover and search for the ideal lunch. What we eat today? A few leaves, a bit 'of roots, tubers and perhaps many of the flowers... Collection of a sample of edible parts of vegetables and preparation of colorful salads.
Artistic paths:
• PAINTING BOTANICAL (April-May): as subjects using herbs, flowers and fruits taken from life, through the advice of a "master painter" you will learn the various techniques of pencil drawing and color watercolor. Registration: no later than the middle of the previous month with a deposit of € 5,00/person; the cost of a lesson: € 20,00 (excluding deposit)/person; subscription to 3 lessons: € 50,00 (excluding deposit); are reminded also that the cost of the material is EXCLUDED.
• PAINTING LANDSCAPE (September - October): springs, ditches, canals, rows of poplars, meadows. Anyone who wants to start or improve the design and painting of the landscape will be able to attend Sunday meetings inspired in an artistic environment. Registration: no later than the middle of the previous month with a deposit of € 5,00/person; the cost of a lesson: € 20,00 (excluding deposit)/person; subscription to 3 lessons: € 50,00 (excluding deposit); are reminded also that the cost of the material is EXCLUDED.
It should, for these courses to reach a minimum number of participants.
Botanical walks:
• SO YOU CAN DO ALL OF GRASS A BEAM (Spring): poppies, nettles, burdock, alliara and others were wild herbs gathered in the fields. Themes developed: use in the country tradition both as food plants that healing. Price: € 5 per person.
• ALSO NESPOLE MATURE (Autumn): visit the ancient orchard you will find medlar, azzeruoli, Maclure, ponciri and other "hard to find". Themes developed: seasonality, collection, use and conservation. Price: € 5 per person.
• DO NOT call them WEEDS (Summer): weeds such as couch grass, plantain, porcelain, Parietaria and others instead have a valid use, and here you will be offered. Themes developed: collection, storage, use and functionality. Price: € 5 per person.